Have your say on buildings of local historic interest
Residents and community groups with an interest in heritage are being encouraged to nominate buildings, structures and sites of local historical significance for them to be given the appropriate level of consideration in planning decisions.

Article date: 19 July 2024
St Helens Borough Council has started work to update its 'Locally Listed Heritage Assets' Supplementary Planning Document to ensure guidance is up to date and relevant to current heritage policies within the Local Plan. While many unique buildings and structures in the borough are recognised nationally - such as listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered historic parks and gardens - there are many of local historical interest that may not meet the criteria but merit local protection.
Any building, structure or site of some significant historical or architectural interest can potentially be added to the list, particularly if it can be shown that it contributes to the character of an area and is valued by local people.
Planning applications for development submitted on places that are featured on the list receive additional scrutiny around the heritage and significance of the site and area.
Councillor Richard McCauley, St Helens Borough Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning, said:
"Our borough boasts a varied and unique built environment, based upon its history connected with the railways, mining, glass and other industries.
"We want to identify and highlight as many locally important buildings, structures and sites as possible, and give them the appropriate level of consideration in planning decisions.
"We've already identified more than 200 buildings and structures we consider to be of local interest but we'd love to hear from you the residents, local heritage groups and other interested parties, to further strengthen our Supplementary Planning Document to protect even more local heritage assets for future generations to enjoy."
The nominee consultation runs until Thursday 8 August.
To find out more and make nominations, visit https://sthelens.gov.uk/.../Consultations-and-latest-news