0047 2024/25 |
23/09/2024 |
Supporting Neighbourhoods |
Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order - 303 Garswood Road, St Helens |
To make a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to Section17(1)(b) of the Housing Act 1985 in respect of 303 Garswood Road, St Helens WN4 0TU and seek related authorisations to secure its confirmation and onward sale to help bring the property back in occupation. |
Yes |
0046 2024/25 |
20/09/2024 |
Integrated Health and Social Care |
Direct Award of Care and Support Contract for Extra Care at Foundry Wharf and Heald Farm Court |
The current contract for care and support services at Foundry Wharf & Heald Farm Court comes to an end on 31/07/2024. A tendering process with two additional schemes in scope is being undertaken, in line with the adult social care strategy. This exercise will conclude on 4/11/2024. This Delegated Executive Decision focuses on the request for authorisation to direct award a contract for care and support at Foundry Wharf and Heald Farm Court to the incumbent provider for 14-weeks. |
Yes |
0045 2024/25 |
20/09/2024 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Approval to procure - Earlestown Market Square & Public Realm Levelling Up Fund Round 2 Projects |
This decision seeks approval to commence procurement for the Market Square & Public Realm element of the Earlestown Levelling Up Fund Round 2 Regeneration Programme (Regeneration through Culture, Community and Heritage). The report further seeks approval for the execution of necessary legal documentation relating to the outlined procurement activity. |
No |
0044 2024/25 |
18/09/2024 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
To renew the contract for 3 years for Idox databases, DMS and public access software. |
To renew the contract for Idox databases, document management system, workflow and public access software for DCl, building control and licensing. |
Yes |
0043 2024/25 |
07/08/2024 |
Transport and Environment |
Acceptance of an £850,000 Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 allocation from the LCRCA |
Council has previously received £1,390,000 from the LCRCA for ATF4 scheme ‘Lea Green to Whiston Hospital Part 1a’. Due to an underspend by Wirral Council, the LCRCA has approved an £850,000 grant funding award uplift to Council for delivery of 'Part 1b'. Thus with acceptance of the additional funding award and a further local contribution of £125,280 from Councils CRSTS Highways Maintenance Settlement, the entirety of the original complete scheme (Part 1a and 1b) can now be delivered. |
No |
0042 2024/25 |
10/09/2024 |
Transport and Environment |
Grant Agreement - Highway Maintenance and Improvements |
This report seeks approval to accept additional Department for Transport (DfT) funding that will be distributed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) for Highways Maintenance from the financial year 2024/25. |
No |
0041 2024/25 |
09/09/2024 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Proposed Acquisition of 41-43 Corporation Street, St.Helens |
Approval be given to the acquisition of 41-43 Corporation Street, St. Helens to facilitate the delivery of the St. Helens Town Centre Multi Modal Interchange. |
Yes |
0040 2024/25 |
02/09/2024 |
People, Performance and IT |
Adult Social Care Complaints Policy |
The Executive Director for Corporate Services is requested to approve the revised Adults Social Care Complaints Policy and Procedure. |
No |
0039 2024/25 |
27/08/2024 |
Children and Young People |
Academy Conversion - Willow Tree Primary School |
To approve the transfer of all land and building at Willow Tree Primary School to Three Saints Academy Trust by way of a 125 year lease; and to approve the required commercial transfer agreement. |
No |
0038 2024/25 |
22/08/2024 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Sale by Auction of Wellesley House, 22 Crow Lane West, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9YG |
The report seeks approval to set a reserve price for the sale of Wellesley House prior to auction on 18th September 2024
Yes |